The Hire by Referral Community

Talinity is the fastest way to get a job through your network. 

And it’s 100% free to everyone: individuals, employers, and search firms.


Hire by referral and job boards

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We put people at the center of hiring

The Human Touch

We've learned that people make a big difference in recruiting. So we help pair a Champion with every Candidate to increase the odds of a successful match - by 13 times!

Our Secret Sauce

Talinity is the only jobs community that involves a Champion with every Candidate, whether they start through a network connection or at a job board. [Patent Pending]


Each Candidate receives a JobMatch score, which is visible to prospective Champions and hiring managers. This makes it easier for everyone, finding the right job, finding the right person to refer and selecting the the right candidate for the position. The transparency also influences thoughtful actions, like referring those who have a good chance to get the job.


Each Champion receives a ReferralStrength score for each prospective Candidate and target job, which is visible to prospective Candidates and hiring managers. Here the focus is the Candidate finding the right Champion and the hiring manager understanding the Champion's credibility.